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Facial and Body Cleansers
:: Black liquid soap for Anti-Acne and Brightening 1 gallon
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Black liquid soap for Anti-Acne and Brightening 1 gallon
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Endee Black soap is specially formulated for you if you suffer from dry skin, acne and chaotic dull skin. A charcoal cleanser can help prevent outbreaks and it is highly absorbent,it acts like a magnet to absorb toxins. Once the toxins are absorbed, the complexion shows, you will notice that the oil and debris from your skin have been drawn out which helps with exfoliation.
When your skin is smooth and clean, that allows the products you apply after cleansing (like moisturizers and serums) to penetrate more deeply, ultimately making them more effective.
Charcoal has been used medicinally for millennia. Ancient Egyptians are believed to have used it as a poultice to keep wounds clean; Hindu documents from 450 B.C. discuss charcoal for water filtration. In the 18th century, charcoal was studied by chemists and pharmacists, who were interested in its ability to protect the human body from toxins. Activated carbon is still used today in water filters and as a poison antidote.
Charcoal also has antibacterial properties that can help heal wounds.
The texture is black and viscous, with great slip, and the gel foams with application. It's packed with exfoliating organic fruit extracts that are perfect for chaotic skin.
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